| Tip of the Week
All of Mike's Tips can be found on his LinkedIn page - http://www.linkedin.com/in/mikewest2010
Tip week commencing 23rd July 2012
AIMS Tip of the week: If you are dealing with a business for the first time check that the VAT number they are using is genuine. You can check the validity of all EU VAT numbers at http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/. For more tips or to find out more about AIMS visit www.aims.co.uk
Tip week commencing 16th July 2012
Do you get tips in your job? Do you pay tax on them? If you receive tips directly from customers it is up to you to tell HMRC about them.
Tip week commencing 9th July 2012
Do you use your car for business? Don't forget to record the mileage in your "books" to avoid being fined by the HMRC.